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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

[email protected]

Patient Service

The patient service encompasses a range of essential activities. These include dedicated visits to patients in their homes, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities. The service extends further by offering transportation assistance to patients requiring conveyance to doctor offices and hospitals. Additionally, the group plays a pivotal role in the distribution of over-the-counter medicines and supplies, making available any such resources housed within the church. Furthermore, transportation services is available for patients to attend liturgy, meetings, and various other spiritual activities hosted at the church.

George Kamel 


خدمة المرضي والمسنين 

امين الخدمة : جورج كامل

Righteousness Group

The church is deeply committed to humanitarian services, demonstrating an outreach to those facing financial hardships. One significant aspect of this commitment involves the provision of monetary funds to families in need. Through thoughtful and considerate support, the church strives to alleviate the burdens of those grappling with financial challenges.

Ashraf Aziz 


لجنة البر (المساعدات الانسانية) 

امين الخدمة: اشرف عزيز

Five Loaves and Two Fish

Five Loaves and Two Fish is a weekly service, providing fresh food to families in need. Inspired by a spirit of generosity, this initiative embodies the belief that even modest contributions can make a significant impact. It reflects our commitment to ensuring that no family goes without access to nutritious meals, fostering unity and compassion within our community.

Mamdouh Helal


خمس خبزات وسمكتين 

امين الخدمة : ممدوح هلال

Newcomers Service

The Newcomers Service at Virgin Mary St. John Bayonne Coptic Church is here to ease your transition from Egypt or anywhere else to Bayonne. We provide assistance with paperwork, help you find suitable housing, and offer guidance in securing employment. Our dedicated team understands the needs of newcomers and how intimidating it is to enter an entirely new environment. Application assistance on Sundays for school registration, Medicaid or food stamp online applications, online job applications, and letter/email translations. We are committed to ensuring your journey is smooth and welcoming. Contact us today to embark on your new chapter in Bayonne with confidence and support. Contact Magda for any questions at 201-790-0843.

القادمين الجدد

امين الخدمة : ماجدة سعيد

Kitchen Inquiries

The church kitchen service is a vital ministry that serves the congregation and the community by providing delicious meals and refreshments for various church events and gatherings. With a team of dedicated volunteers, the church kitchen is well-equipped and efficiently run, ensuring that meals are prepared and served with love and care. Additionally, the church also offers catering services for special occasions, providing scrumptious meals and impeccable service for events such as weddings, receptions, and other social gatherings, extending their hospitality to the wider community. Please contact Afaf (201) 724-1894 to place an order.


امين الخدمة: عفاف

Cleaning Services

Our dedicated Cleaning Services team at Virgin Mary St. John Bayonne works tirelessly to maintain the beauty of our sacred space. With love and devotion, they ensure every visitor experiences the serenity our church offers. Their selfless service reflects our commitment to a welcoming environment for all. If interested in joining this service to help keep our beloved church clean,

Please contact Isis at 201-779-3178.


امين الخدمة : ايزيس ملاك